Hillel's 613 are the champions
of the student experience.
Todah Rabah to the 2020-21 members of Hillel's 613
Aaron Grossman Lodge of B'nai B'rith
Adam and Erica Hirsh
Beth and Frank Rosenberg
Brad and Jill Helfman
Brian and Cheryl Fox
Brunswick Companies
Chelm Family Foundation
Dan and Ellen Zelman Family Foundation
Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund
David and Inez Myers Foundation
Enid and David Rosenberg
Fibus/Hendricks Family Foundation
Gary and Cari Gross
Harvey and Michele Sass
Hillel International
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Kerry and Renee' Chelm
Kyla and Mitchell Schneider
Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation
Maccabee Task Force
Marci and Daniel Ungar
Mary Ann and Gary Shamis
Meisel & Pesses Family Foundation
Michael & Anita Siegal Family Foundation
Mike and Abbey Guggenheim
Moema Furtado
Peter and Susi Meisel
Rachel Weinberg
Reuven Dessler
Rick Kalson
Rob and Andrea Minster
Samie Winick
Sandy and Nora Marovitz
Schwebel Family Foundation
The Pevaroff Cohn Family Foundation
Thom and Lisa Mandel
Vic and Ellen Cohn Family Foundation
Will and Jan Sukenik Family Foundation
Youngstown Area Jewish Federation
For more information on Hillel's 613 or to join with your gift of $1,800 or more please reach out to Rachel Felber, Executive Director, at Rfelber@kenthillel.org or (330) 678-0397